What to Look for in a Home Security System

Everyone wants to feel safe in their own home. Much to our surprise, Parks Associates predicted that only 27% of U.S. households would have a home security system this year. This seems shocking considering there are more home security options on the market now more than ever. None-the-less, there are still families and individuals who are looking for that extra layer of safety who need to decide which system is best for them. Take note, many variables should be taken into consideration to choose the best system for you and/or your family. 

1. Decide What/Who You're Protecting 

There is a long list of security options (hang in there, we'll go over them soon) so it's important to know what you're protecting in order to know which system you need. Are you wanting to protect your family? Your animals? Belongings? The front door? All of the above? All of these call for a different system, so make sure you have clear goals. 

2. Consider Installation 

After you create your goals, it's important to consider how you plan to execute your security installation. How are you planning to install the system? Does your home have what you need to install your cameras? Something else to consider is whether you're in a home or apartment and if you're planning on staying there. Apartment cameras can get tricky (especially if you're wanting to monitor outside your apartment door) due to privacy laws and apartment policies that may prohibit video or audio recordings outside of your own apartment. 

3. Take Home Size into Account

Are you wanting a system that monitors the surrounding area of a large house? Or are you happy with a doorbell camera like Ring to just keep an eye out for the front of your home? One option isn't better than the other, but they certainly require different products. 

4. Professional vs Self-Monitoring 

Some systems simply require you to connect the camera to Wi-Fi so you can monitor your door or home from your phone. However, other companies will professionally monitor your home and send help if an incident occurs. Both can be useful, but this decision should be made with goals, installation, and home size in mind. 

Home Security Options 

You might be surprised just how many home security system options there are. Some of the most popular ones include: 

  • Doorbell, nanny, and spotlight cameras
  • Panic buttons
  • Door, window, glass break, and motion sensors
  • Two-way talk
  • CO and fire detectors
  • Flood and freeze sensors 

All of these can help keep your family, home. and belongings safe. However, not all of these are necessary for every homeowner! Once again, take a good look at your goals and situation to decide what is most important to you when it comes to security. There are systems that have all of the bells and whistles, complete with professional monitoring, all the way down to a self-monitored Ring. 

Ready to Purchase? 

If you're ready to purchase a home security system, we would be happy to customize and/or install a system for you. To learn more about the extent of our home security services, click here. 

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