3 Tips to Avoid Electrical Fires

As we enter late fall and early winter, some of us have already begun to replace air conditioning with heating, or perhaps make use of space heaters. As we become more dependent on heating within our homes, the risk of house fires can increase as well. While there are a variety of reasons fires can occur within a home, there are a few steps one can take to improve their overall fire safety and reduce fire risk. 

Don't Ignore the Signs 

One of the best ways to reduce your home's risk of electrical fire is by knowing the signs that something might be wrong. If you turn on your home's heat, or another device, and begin to smell something unusual, unplug or turn off the device in question and call 911 immediately . Some of the other physical signs to look out for are burn marks near outlets or connections, and visible sparks when plugging something in/turning something on.

In the event of any signs of smoke or fire in your home, don't hesitate to call 911 right away.

Heat-Producing Devices

There are many types of heat producing devices in our home, and unless you're talking about a gas or wood powered stove, most of them are electrical! A great habit to practice when dealing with heat producing devices is to always unplug them when not in use. This applies to things like space heaters, curling irons, heat lamps, and even griddles in the kitchen. While many of these items are perfectly safe to use when used properly, you can greatly reduce their fire risk by keeping them unplugged when not in use. 

This can be applied to many devices in your kitchen you might not think to unplug. You should always unplug your small kitchen appliances when not using them and when cleaning. This includes things such as air fryers, toasters, kettles, and coffee makers.

Update Your System 

When it comes to electrical safety, sometimes newer does mean better. If your home was built or renovated more than a decade or two ago, then you should consider updating your home's electrical system. Oftentimes, older elements of your home's electrical system can overheat, such as aluminum wiring, poor wiring practices, and overused and outdated outlets with loose connections.

If you're unsure about the safety standards of your home's current electrical system, contact H&H Electric today to schedule an inspection. 

How We Can Help 

When considering fire safety around your home, its always important to have a plan in the event of a fire. Contact your local fire department to learn more about the necessary steps that go into a fire safety plan to protect your family and property from potential disaster.

If you are curious about updating any part of your home's electrical to ensure safety and a reduced risk of a house fire, contact H&H Electric today to schedule an inspection or consultation. 

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