Security systems are an essential tool for any homeowner. Not only are entry sensors, glass break detectors, and motion detectors important for deterring break-ins, but sensors attached to a security system can also detect fires, floods, and carbon monoxide. These sensors not only detect problems within or around a home, but can also contact the appropriate agency to get help as quickly as possible.

As mobile devices and cameras become smaller and more sophisticated over the years, the barrier to entry for robust surveillance technology is decreasing exponentially. Now is the perfect time to update your security system with doorbell security cameras and camera flood lights.

Additionally, if you're on the fence about a security system, the best time to consider one is right now. Security systems can help to prevent crime before it occurs. Studies have shown that the presence of even one security system within a neighborhood can help to make the entire neighborhood less attractive to burglars. Additionally, having a home security system can also save you money down the line, as many home insurance companies offer discounts to homeowners who use a home security system.

Adding Cameras to Your Flood Lights

Adding flood lights to homes is relatively common practice nowadays. Properly installed flood lights can improve the security of your home, as well as providing you with a means of overlooking the property even when the sun isn't out. Additionally, automatic flood lights can provide extra safety for a homeowner by lighting up their path as they make their way around the house at night, without the need for a flashlight.

By means of replacing traditional floodlights with camera floodlights, you can add the additional security of monitoring to your home security system. Not only does a camera serve as a deterrent, but in the event of theft, cameras are important for evidence gathering. Additionally, the additional power consumption from replacing your lights should not be significant: many camera floodlights use highly efficient LED lights, rather than the traditional incandescent flood light bulbs.

Utilizing Doorbell Security Cameras

Did you know that burglars will often knock on doors or ring doorbells to determine if anyone is home? If someone answers the door, the burglar may excuse themselves or make something up in order to leave, now aware that someone is home. By fitting your doorframe with a security camera doorbell, you're providing your home with two means of preventing burglary.

Firstly, many doorbell security cameras are fitted with speakers and microphones. In addition to providing a means of answering the door when one is unable to do so physically, this feature also allows homeowners to make a burglar believe that someone really is home to answer the door, even if that isn't really the case. Secondly, a security camera doorbell will record anyone who walks up to the door, as well as what they are saying. Not only may burglars be deterred by the thought of being recorded, but the evidence collected during an attempted front-door entry may prove valuable in a worst-case scenario.

Do you have security needs you'd like addressed? Speak to a security expert at H&H Today!