Have you ever been relaxing in the comfort of your own home, only to begin hearing an irritating, faint buzzing sound when you flick on the lights? Well, you're not alone - buzzing lights is one of the most commonly searched topics for home lighting issues. There are a couple of reasons why your lights may be making noise, and it typically revolves around incandescent and fluorescent lighting – LEDs rarely make noise, unless your dimmer is having issues. 

Incandescent Bulbs Buzzing

One of the main reasons your incandescent bulb is buzzing can be due to a weak filament. If you are relying on a dimmer to dim your incandescent bulb, try replacing your old bulbs with ones with a more supported filament in them to eliminate the buzz. 

Fluorescent Bulbs Buzzing

Most likely, if you have a fluorescent bulb making a buzzing sound, then it is nearing the end of its life. Try replacing the bulb or even consider swapping to LEDs!

If you are still struggling to locate or eliminate a buzzing sound coming from your light fixtures, contact H&H today! 

Why is My Circuit Breaker Tripping?

Your home's circuit breaker is actually designed to trip when something goes wrong to protect you, such as an electrical overload or short circuit somewhere in your home's electrical system. This is actually a fantastic safety feature that can help prevent disasters like electrical house fires.

There are usually a couple of reasons why you might be experiencing a trip, such as a faulty breaker, a damaged circuit, too many devices plugged in at once, or even a ground fault in a specific appliance in your home. If you are experiencing an abnormal amount of breaker trips, its best to have a trained electrician come to examine the root cause of the issue. Contact H&H Electric & Security today to schedule a visit! 

How Much Can it Cost to Charge an Electric Car? 

Aside from environmental concerns, one of the biggest reasons people ponder switching, or do switch, to driving an electric car is the cost, primarily the fuel costs. This typically leaves us with the question, "how much does it actually cost someone to charge an electrical vehicle?"

Well, just like most of your home's utilities – it varies. Typically, the cost of charging an electric vehicle can cost anywhere from $0.10 to $0.30 per kilowatt-hour, meaning a 60kWh battery could cost you anywhere from $6 to $18 for a full charge at home. The important thing to remember is that not all EVs are the same, so this amount can vary.

Many EV owners utilize free charging stations around town to further save on costs, and some utility providers are even known to offer special rates to EV owners to incentivize home charging.

To learn more about your vehicle's annual ownership cost, and to compare amongst typical EVs, check out this Vehicle Cost Calculator from the U.S. Department of Energy here.